Sunless Tanning Pills

Life Extension

The following excerpts about Canthaxanthin are from Durk Pearson's and Sandy Shaw's #1 best-selling book
(Warner Books)

Quote 1

"The use of very high doses of beta carotene to reduce photosensitivity does have a cosmetic drawback, however. The beta carotene will color your skin yellow (which can also occur if you eat a great many carrots), making you look jaundiced. Of course, it isn't really jaundice (caused by liver failure), and your doctor will realize it immediately when he sees the whites of your eyes have not turned yellow. Nevertheless, you may not want to be carrot-colored. There is another carotenoid, canthaxanthin, which is very closely related to beta carotene. This is the material that makes flamingos and certain shellfish pink. We think it provides better protection from ultraviolet light and singlet oxygen better than beta carotene..."

Quote 2

"Any plant containing chlorophyll but no carotenoids will be killed by a few minutes of exposure to sunlight since about one photosynthetic reaction in a thousand allows a dangerous molecule of singlet oxygen to escape. Like plants, we can protect ourselves from sunlight with carotenoids. (pgs. 422-423)  In the spring of 1981, I added a carotenoid, canthaxanthin to my formula, ... for the very substantial protective effects of the carotenoids. The results have been better than expected."

Quote 3

" 'Mr. Smith' says that there was a 'real dramatic' effect on his skin's resistance to sunburn when he used canthaxanthin, a carotenoid (chemically related to the yellow coloring matter in carrots, beta carotene). His skin is relatively light and sensitive to sunlight, especially his nose. He began using about 120 milligrams of canthaxanthin per day, then went to the same dose every other day. He looks as if he has a beautiful golden-bronze suntan....* " (pg. 743)

* Mr. Smith is commonly known to be movie star Clint Eastwood.

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